Written by, Amoryn Golden, Publicity and Digital Account Manager

Have you ever wondered how social media managers decide what to post on a brand or business Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram account?

Anyone can type up a status, or share a link and funny meme, right?

Although that might be true, not everyone can craft posts that contribute towards leads, sales, awareness or relationship building for their business.

That is what differentiates a strategic social media manger from casual social media posting.

The best way to clarify how content is generated is to start off by explaining the importance of well curated content.

Recent statistics show that:

–        Worldwide, there are over 2 Billion monthly active Facebook users (Source: statista.com)

–        Instagram has 700 Million monthly active users (Source: techcrunch.com)

–        500 Million fans use the business-focused social network LinkedIn (Source: fortune.com)

–        And these are only the top three social media networks on the internet, some amazing stats!

In essence social media users are being bombarded with large amounts of content hourly, and a fine balance between data interpretation, psychology and creativity is needed to make an impact.

How does the content curation process work then?

Firstly, social media managers spend many hours with business owners getting to know what the business is about. They define and help shape the brand voice and what exactly it is that the clients consume on social media.

Goals are then set out and expectations managed with the business owner on a regular basis.

When it comes to drafting the actual post, research and analytics are interpreted to define the wording, specific content and frequency of the posts.

With this in mind posts are broadly categorised as one of the following or a combination of:

–        Informative

–        Entertaining

–        Educative

–        Campaign related

The crafting of the posts will take into consideration what the user behaviour is to determine which categories to cover, on which days, at what times and linked to what specific content.

Then the most crucial stage in the process is reach. Monitoring, adapting, online reputation management and constantly tweaking the messaging to maintain high engagement and reach. All coming back to achieving your goals developed at the start of the campaign.

At Listen Up we use our expertise in all the facets discussed to create a social media campaign that generates the results for clients thatthey want to achieve. We can guide, train and assist with the top social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Google +. We can generate content in the form of written content, designed images, videos, memes and more.

Contact us today for a consultation to find out how we can incorporate this service offering into your overall marketing.